Gwynedd Mercy University 评论

See what GMercyU students love about GMercyU and their majors.



“我个人喜欢护理项目的一点是我们可以获得很多实践经验. 在临床, you get the opportunity to perform assessments on patients, 给他们用药, and even do some procedures on the patients, all with your instructor. 而且,你有机会去其他你可能感兴趣的单位. 例如, I went to the ER this past semester, someone else went to the ICU, [another] went to the OR, so your instructor really tries to work with you and give you as many opportunities as possible so that when you graduate you’ll have an idea of what type of specialty you’ll want to pursue.”
——艾琳·雷特梅尔 BSN主要

“I love everything about my major, 但我最喜欢的是我们每周做的实践实验. 这就是我们把在课堂上学到的东西应用到医院病房的地方. We work on each other to do things such as physical assessments, 生命体征, medication administration, and all of that fun stuff. 不过最让我兴奋的是,下学期就要开始全面临床了. I’m e年龄r to find out where I’ll be placed, as we have over 200 healthcare affiliations around the area. 我们要把到目前为止学到的东西付诸实践.”
——siobhan McShea ' 22 BSN主要

“今年, I went on the Dominican Republic mission trip with my nursing school… What we did was provide medical care [for residents living in poverty] – basically a wellness check or someone coming to urgent care. If they had any medical issues or concerns at all, they came to us during our open clinic hours and we provided supplies and smiles and just the simplest things... (这次旅行)在一周内综合了我的服务经历和护理教育, 我真的很喜欢. That is my favorite part of being a member of this community – the opportunity to serve people throughout the world."
-Allison Alejo ' 20 BSN主要

健康 Professions Program 评论

“(放射治疗)项目最好的地方是小班授课和教授. 小班制在个人层面上把你和其他同学联系在一起, so you kind of all join together to help each other out. We get together to study, 一起复习笔记, and catch each other up if somebody misses something. 教授们都很棒——他们总是在那里帮助你,帮助你成功. They want to see you do well, 他们从不让你盲目进入任何事物……他们会事先为你做好准备, before you go into clinical – what you should do, 你不该做的事, and just give you an overview of what’s going to happen. I was very relieved when they did that. It was a very smooth transition going into clinical. It’s so much fun, you learn a lot, the school is amazing.”
——吉娜·菲奥里 放射治疗专业

“我最喜欢呼吸护理项目的地方是它很小,而且很紧密, 感觉就像一个家. The teachers are great – they’re very knowledgeable, 他们很有帮助, and you can reach out to them at any time. 他们会尽量迁就你,让你感到尽可能舒适. You also get a lot of hands-on experience. You get to go around to a lot of great hospitals, see a lot of different things, 而且学到了很多东西,这也为你在医疗保健行业的职业生涯做好了很大的准备.”
——johnicka Young ' 20 呼吸护理专业

“Some of the things that drew me to this program were the tightknit community and the highly accredited professors that we have on 教师.”
-Ben Dean ' 22, 呼吸护理专业

“One thing that makes our Occupational Therapy program so special is the access to new equipment in Siena Hall – and that our university offers a five-year master’s program. 我们还加入了一个叫做SOTA(学生职业治疗协会)的俱乐部, which is really awesome to be involved with.”
——亚历克西斯·钱伯斯23 Occupational Science Major


Business and Education Program 评论

“每家公司都需要金融方面的专业人士,所以学金融专业可以带来很多机会. Don’t think it’s all about the stock market and numbers. 这些数字讲述了一个故事,我们需要弄清楚它们在告诉我们什么. The professors at Gwynedd really care for the students, and because of the small class sizes, it gives students a chance to bond with their professors. 我和我的教授关系很好,这给我带来了实习、工作机会和工作推荐."
——rebecca Joe, 20岁 金融 研究生

“What I love most about the sports man年龄ment program is the vast number of opportunities that are available to you. Gwynedd does a great job of showing you all that there is to explore.”
-Lucas Gray ' 20 体育管理专业

“[In my Intro to Digital Communications course], 我能够在数字领域学到很多不同的工具和技术, such as audio production, 视频制作, 编辑软件, 以及网页创建. 我正在上一门分析学课程,在那里我可以探索数据可视化, 在我的移动内容创作课程中,我正在学习摄影, 摄像, 视觉设计. If you have any interest whatsoever in any of those things, I would recommend the Digital Communications Program at GMercyU.”
——肖恩·德桑蒂斯21 Digital Communications Major

“在这里的这段时间里,教授们给予我的鼓励和关怀让我感到惊讶, 课程的质量和实践经验令人难以置信, 我在学习过程中所获得的专业机会. 这是一个非常特别的地方,你在这里会真正成长."
——迭戈·泰勒,20岁 教育专业

艺术 & Sciences Program 评论

“转到德国商业大学是我为自己和我的学术生涯所做的最好的决定之一. 在转移之前, 我在蒙哥马利县社区学院学习人类服务, not knowing what my next move was going to be, and then the pandemic hit. 格温内斯默西大学是我在蒙特科的辅导员推荐给我的. Even though my first semester at Gwynedd was remote through Zoom, it was such a great experience right off the bat. I have learned so much during my two and half years here. It has really shaped me into the student that I am today."
–Casey Kwiatanowski ’23, 社会工作学士

“What I love about the CIS program is the dedication that our professors and our director have for every student. Our professors create fun in-class labs, 项目, and assignments that help prepare us for the real world. 我们的主任辛迪·凯西教授总是把学生的最大利益放在第一位. 她会帮助我们制定让我们感到舒适的时间表,并总是建议我们下一步该怎么做.”
-Marilyn Mejia ' 22 Computer Information Science / Forensics Major

“As part of the 刑事司法 Program, 我有机会在卡姆登的联邦公设辩护律师事务所实习, NJ, 去年春天, I interned for the district attorney’s office in Montgomery County, PA. Both of those opportunities helped shaped me both professionally and personally and helped me learn what I wanted to do as a career. I wouldn’t have been able to get there without the help and support of my advisors and professors in the program. One of my favorite things about Gwynedd’s 刑事司法 Program is definitely how close-knit we all are. 无论是我们的同事还是我们的教授,每个人都在这里互相帮助. There has never been a moment where I held back on asking a question or telling a story or showing up at my professors’ offices, 无论是摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站学校还是个人建议,他们都在那里帮助我们. There’s never a day that we don’t feel that.”
——mackenzie Iocona ' 20 刑事司法专业

“Something that’s super-unique about the 刑事司法 Program is that we are offered a course called the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program ®. [We] are able to go into a prison and take class with inmates, and these inmates we refer to as “inside students.在这门课上, we’re able to learn about the correctional system, what we need to do to fix the criminal justice system, but most importantly we learned that these inmates are more than just inmates – they are great people who are super intelligent and have really great ideas. We built a lot of great relationships and honestly this was one of the best experiences I’ve had here at Gwynedd. It’s something that I would cherish for the rest of my life.”
——alyssa Gonzalez (21) 刑事司法专业

"My professors really pushed me to do my best. Even when I was absolutely exhausted with working and outside life, 他们激励我更加努力地工作,学习技能,我将永远带在身边. 麦克格伦博士用他的开放式论述题考试挑战了我的核心. Either you knew the information or you didn't. 他想确保你知道每一个理论的每一个细节, 最后花了几个小时听他的讲座录音,并痴迷地研究他的笔记. Dr. Phillips helped me to finally overcome my public speaking fears when I participated in the University Research Conference with the whole department and Dean listening to my presentation. She also pushed me to learn how to perform research, 分析所有数据, and wrap it up in a nice, neat presentation for other students to understand my findings. 在GMercyU, 我磨练了沟通, 解决问题, and critical thinking skills that I use everyday and are crucial in the daily operation of the lab and to satisfy clients with issues that may arise. These skills are used externally with clients and internally with my lab staff since I am the lead at my location."
——jennifer Jang '19 刑事司法 研究生

“Dr. Rebecca Gullen, Janice Nuss, Stephanie Fratantaro, Mary Reilly——他们都是杰出的教授. 因为我们的小, intimate classes of about 10-20 students, 每个老师都可以投入他或她的时间来帮助和指导学生, not only with work but also with what they want to do in life, guiding them in terms of their goals and aspirations. Because of the exceptional teaching styles – for example, Dr. Rebecca Gullen taught me research methods and experimental psychology; Stephanie Fratantaro taught me counseling and communication skills; Mary Reilly taught me developmental psychology – I was able to get an internship in my final year at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. I also have to say that the friends I have made in the psychology program… we always looked out for each other, always helped each other. With the experience and the exceptional teachers, I have great foundation in psychology which I can take into my master’s program or into a doctoral program.”
-Sam Memon '20 心理学专业

“这里最有影响力的东西,尤其是在心理学课程中,是教授们. 他们非常理解、支持和鼓励你的任何想法. I found support and opportunities for growth within them, and I thank them tremendously for everything they have done for me, 特别是在P内&心理学 & Social 服务s Association]. 我在P的顾问&SSA encour年龄d us to do more for the community, like Painting Away Stress events, 夺回夜晚, running a donation drive for women who were previously trafficked, and also raising funds for the 慈善组织聚焦海地. 我在GMercyU的时候, I learned the importance of service, 是什么激励了我成为一个更好的领导者,倡导个人之间的平等机会.”
——贝利·麦克劳克林 心理学专业

“My two favorite things about being a Psychology student at GMercyU are the bonds I’ve made with my fellow students and the overall supportive relationships I’ve been able to have with my teachers. I think we [students] all have a common interest in psych but I also think the community feel and the Critical Concerns of Mercy have brought really great people to GMercyU – and that’s enabled me to make bonds I’ll probably have for the rest of my life. 就我的教授而言, they all genuinely care about the students’ wellbeing, both in and outside of the academic environment. 他们也关心学生的投入和他们对所学内容的热情. They want their students to love what they’re doing, 因此, they give their students a lot of really great opportunities to study what they want and conduct experiments of things they want to [learn more about].”
-Giavanna DeMarco '20 心理学专业

“[My internship] was a great experience because I am a hands-on learner and being out there in the field allows you to learn about real-life situations… it allows you to apply that textbook learning and what you learned in class to real life.”
——阿米娜·约翰逊,20岁 社会工作专业

“去年,我和其他社会工作专业的学生一起参加了哈里斯堡的领导倡导日. 来自PA州各地的社会工作学生呼吁在学校中增加更多的社会工作者. 我们有机会与州代表交谈,并真正解释了我们在那里的目的. It was a great experience.”
——camryn Zeller ' 22 社会工作专业

“I was fortunate enough to do undergrad research with Dr. McClain the summer between my freshman and sophomore year. Dr. McClain and I focused that summer on the long-term effects of alcohol use disorder on the cells in our central nervous system… I was able to perform all of these different lab techniques that as a freshman that I never would’ve gotten my hands on until at least my junior or senior year, which was a really great experience for me. Undergrad research really allowed me to dive into peer review articles … which gave me an understanding of how to read and dissect articles. It also gave me so much confidence in the labs since it was really more a one-on-one lab experience… I also got my first experience in writing a lab report, 这和你们在实验室里写的有一点不同, 所以它确实给我现在开始的工作打下了很好的基础, which is writing my thesis. 总的来说,本科生的研究是格温内斯德真正突出的地方. 你也可以展示你的研究——我有机会在SEPCHE展示我的研究, 哪个是这个地区所有学校的本科生研究会议. 格温内斯还举办了一个本科生研究会议,这真的很令人兴奋.”
——乔丹·艾贝尔森,20岁 生物学专业